Thursday, January 10, 2013


  We have made it to see another year, only by the Grace and Mercy of God. We have so much to be grateful for. As a church family, 2012 was a banner year as we grew spiritually, numerically and financially as we "Aligned" ourselves with the Will of God. As great as 2012 was, I got a strange and peculiar feeling that God is going to completely blow our mind in 2013. If the first few weeks of this year is any indication, then God is preparing His people to experience the "Limitless" nature of God. I am excited, but more importantly, READY to go after with full spiritual vigor all that God has set aside and apart for His people. I recognize that the journey and process will not be easy, however, we operate from the posture of VICTOR instead of victim. Let us move this year knowing that God has already provided and all we have to do is "cut many trees down" and "fill many empty jars". Lets put on our armor and get on the battlefield as "No Limit Soldiers".

Soli Deo Gloria!!
Ready to experience a "Beyond Beyond" God,
Dr. Charles E. Goodman, Jr. (PG)