Friday, April 09, 2010

Dealing with Death

I have just ministered at my fifth funeral of the year. Last year I did close to twenty funerals. Funerals drain me. They take alot out of me. It is difficult as a Pastor to hold the grief of a family, community on your shoulder. To make matters worse, after losing someone close to you (in my case my Grandfather), every funeral and the preparation up to it(visiting the family, securing arrangements, etc) is going through the grieving process all over again. Death is inevitable. We have to deal with the reality of it, but it is never easy. No one wants to ever truly say good bye. Many times, funerals are filled with empty phrases that are meant to comfort, but as well intentioned they might be, still makes one feel numb and hurt. I approach grief and funerals by trying to apply the love of God in our worst and painful moments. God is a great big God, who not only can handle our questions, but also our tears. Pain is part of the process and it just as real as joy is. God does not remove the pain, but God allows His love to be present and lessen the sting of it. I still think about my lost loved ones and yearn for them greatly, but I have tried to allow God's Love to immerse me and saturate me so that even in those moments, God's Love reminds me that He is still there. As a believer, Death is our transition to being with God. The truth of the matter, Death is what takes us closer to God. Jesus' death and resurrection took the sting from Death and the victory from the Grave. Death is never easy, but our God is bigger than death.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Fearless Faith

A few weeks ago I crossed the most pivotal and important crossroad of my ministry. I admit that i was in a season of frustration that i could not shake. I was borderline depressed and I know that a pastor of a thriving church should not say that, but I was down in the dumps. I was going through the motions and people were being blessed, but I just could not get out of this funk. I was functioning well, but I just felt like I was in a rut. All of that changed when my friend and mentor, Pastor Arthur Jackson from Miami came and closed out our March Gladness Revival. He preached a message entitled, "Don't Miss It" out of Deuteronomy 1: 19-38. In this message, Pastor Jackson said that the Children of Israel missed the Promise Land because they valued Logic over the Lord, did not believe that Opposition could be Overcome and the voided the potential of God's Power. In the midst of hearing this message, I began to understand the source of my frustration: I had stopped trusting that it was all in God's hands. Our ministry has some awesome opportunities that can impact the Kingdom in a mighty way, but I had become so invested in what others were saying in order to bring the Vision to pass, instead of relying on God. This was so unlike me. I am a person of EXTREME Faith. I have seen God do some awesome things and the only reason that I am here is because I have trusted God every step of the way. That night I repented and gave it over to God. I realized it is not my job to figure it out, rather it is my job to simply Trust that God will make a way. It is a freeing experience to know that God loves us so much that all He requires us to do is have faith in Him. I am a better Pastor, Person and Believer, simply because I know that God has it all in control. i am so excited now because I know without a shadow of a doubt that God is going to do it. I cannot wait to provide the details in later blogs. STAY TUNED.....
PS-perhaps there is someone reading this blog that is where I was. You are frustrated by trying to figure everything out. I want you to know that it is not to late. God is just patiently waiting for you to take your hands off the situation and begin trusting him. You can do it right now. Pray this prayer, "God, forgive me for not having complete Faith in you and your Word. I apologize that I thought that it was totally up to me to figure everything out. God, I now surrender everything to you. I totally submit my will and desires to you. I know what you have spoken over my life and I believe that it shall come to pass. I praise you now in advance what has already happened through yopur Word. Amen." Bless you. Go Forth in FAITH