Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Pain of Celebration

This is the weekend where we celebrate the second year of partnership of pastor and people here at Tabernacle Baptist Church. I am so blessed to be here and I am priviledged to have this wonderful divine assignment which allows me to pastor some awesome people. I must admit that I am a little uneasy with the whole celebration concept, especially with it centered around me. I have always had tough times with celebrations growing up, birthdays and holidays, because these occasions were not big in my family. The only big event that my family makes huge is graduations. I have also had some disappointing moments on days that are supposed to be joyous. I appreciate the tremendous effort that all are making to contribute to this memorable moment. I will write my reflections on the weekend next week. Please pray that I will allow myself to celebrate and enjoy the moment. Pray for safe travels for family and friends. Pray that this be a divine moment of reflection and rejoicing for what God has done and will do in my ministry and the life of the church. Peace and Blessings, RevCEGJr

PS: My father was supposed to be coming this weekend, but.............

Friday, April 17, 2009

Single or Alone

Is there a difference? I am preaching a series on Relationships the month of May and this is a critical component. I welcome any comments. RevCEGJr

Monday, April 13, 2009

Living in the true meaning of RESURRECTION

I am always uplifted by the story of Jesus being raised from the dead. It is the central foundational point of our faith. Without an empty tomb, our faith and our preaching is in vain (1 Corinthians 15). I heard an interesting quote on yesterday, while I was resting from our Resurrection services. The quote was, "many of us celebrate the fact that Jesus rose from the dead on Sunday, but then after the moment, we allow Him to die again on Monday." I was struck by this because I do feel that often times we minimize the magnitude of the Resurrection by making it one day that we gather to worship, instead of living and walking in the Resurrection everyday of our lives. Those faithful saints who made there way to the graveyard over 2000 years ago, as told by Mark, were expecting a funeral, but when they got there, they had a stone removed, a situation reversed because of the Word of God and a friend welcomed back to the fold after denying Christ. I wonder how many of us would have the faith to go to a place of perceived disappointment, as long as Jesus is there? I know that God can give us more than we expect when we trust Him. The resurrection shows us that God oftentimes does His best work behind our back. While they were grieving, God was working the situation out for His glory. I really want God to expand my expectations this year in every area of my life. I believe that God can resurrect dead hopes, dead dreams, dead relationships and anything else that seems dead in our lives. My prayer is for all to know and experience RESURRECTION in life through the POWER of God. RevCEGJr

Sunday, April 12, 2009

"Because He Lives......"

My prayer for all today is that we experience RESURRECTION in all areas of our lives. There is VICTORY in Jesus. I am so thankful that He died for me, but even more grateful that ROSE three days later with ALL POWER in His hands, so that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Do you know Him today?

Monday, April 06, 2009

Reflections on Palm Sunday

I am still basking in the afterglow of a wonderful Palm Sunday Worship Experience. We celebrated our Lord's Supper Experience as well as baptize nearly 30 people. I preached a challenging message entitled "The Curse of being Unfruitful" from Matthew 21:18-19. It was a message that I believe challenged our entire congregation, Pastor included. I have made personal commitment to be a "fruit" believer and not just a "leaves" believer. I desire to be productive for the kingdom of God. We had 8 people join our fellowship on yesterday. I am continually amazed at the power of God, that operates in us finite beings to bring God glory. I ask and solicit your prayers that Tabernacle Baptist Church would be the body of believers that God would have us be. Peace and Blessings, RevCEGJr

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Is There A Heaven For A "G"?

As we are preparing to enter the "Passion" season, which commerates the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, I am particulalry drawn to the story of the thief who is crucified next to Jesus. In all the pain and discomfort, he famously requests of Jesus, "Remember me when you come into your kingdom". What a powerful and provacative statement. This man, whom we know little but can assume only negative things because of his current predicament on the cross, has the audacious hope to ask for the Son of the living God to remember him. What nerve this man has. We don't know his background or his shady associations, but he surely knew. He knew the mistakes and wrong turns that had caused his life to cascade down this horrible path to destruction. I know that we all can feel this brother, because if we are truly honest with ourselves, we have not crossed every T or dotted every I. We have some things in our past that we are not proud of and if we take it even further, if it was another day or place, could have found ourselves in some unescapable situations with some reprehensible consequences. But thanks be to God, that this brother did not let his past or painful predicament stop him from receiving relief from the only one who could give him what his soul and heart really needed. Jesus looked this broke brother in the eye and said, "Today, you will be with me in paradise." Wow, there really is a heaven for a "G", even me.....Peace and Blessings, RevCEGJr