Thursday, April 19, 2012

Simple, but not Easy

I was talking with a member of my church the other day and the conversation began to be focused on how hard it is for people to get "unstuck" in life. The reason they have been stuck is because they have been paralyzed by there past. She remarked that the process to MOVE FORWARD is "Simple but not Easy". We know what we need to do to move on and along, because that is simple. The problem is that it wont be an easy journey. It is like running in a race. Many times we look at the runners in a race, but we fail to remember how much training they have to go through to prepare for the race. The race is not easy, even though the route is simple, get to the finish line. It takes a lot to give your all and finish strong. The good news is the blessing is not in the starting but the finishing. Whatever you may be struggling with today, TRUST and DEPEND on God to guide you and lead you, but just know it will not be easy, but well worth the journey and effort. Ecclesiastes 9:11, Hebrews 3:14 and 2 Timothy 4:7

PS: I feel like this would be a great title of a book........