Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Time Flies

            I can't believe it has been exactly one year since I had my neck and spine fusion surgery. I am so thankful to my doctor, Dr. Alleyne and his team. So grateful for my family, church and friends who were so supportive. It was a very stressful time for me. So much was going on a year ago. I almost did not have the surgery. There was a real chance that i would lose my voice. The severity of my condition was going to cause the doctor to replace 3 discs in my spine with 3 artificial discs. The surgeon would have to go through the front of my neck and dangerously close to my voice box. I am thankful for the precision of the doctor and the grace of God. It was tough having to be home bound for a few weeks and not driving for a month. I was able to get back to preaching(with a neck brace on) after a few weeks. I can truly say that I have gotten better this year. I am now on a strict exercise regimen that is making me stronger every single day. I still have my challenges, as my body is constantly adjusting, however it was a great decision to have it dealt with. Grateful to God for His healing and power. PG

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Say It

           I just wanted to drop a few nuggets on a subject that I am passionate about: PREACHING. I absolutely love to proclaim the Word of God. I will admit, I am at a weird place in my own modality of preaching, as I am refining and finding my own peculiar voice. It is scary and exciting at the same time. I have been officially licensed to preach for a little over 10 years but I have been bootlegging(preacher talk) since I was 8 years old. I was talking with some preachers the other day about the state of preaching now. It seems as if it has eroded and the art of preaching has been watered down to appease the palette of the world. It seems as if more people are more interested in giving "How to" lessons than actually preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Don't get me wrong, I am all for people getting their life together, however, there is no substitute for the unadulterated gospel, which reminds us that we cant do it on our own but through the power of God. I warn preachers and pews alike, do not get caught up on STYLE, a preacher should be judged based on their SUBSTANCE. Preaching, as it was once eloquently put, should be truth through personality. That means that there will always be different styles, but it should be founded and bathed in TRUTH and POWER. I am grateful that God chose me to carry His Word. No greater honor for me than to have this awesome burden than to share with others what has meant so much to me. I tell every preacher, no matter what you got to go through, "SAY IT!!!!" PG

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's Just Wind and Waves

         It was the fourth watch of the night. The storm was raging and causing the boat to vacillate back and forth. It was almost impossible to see as the heaviness of the night and the ferocity of the storm was taking its toll on the frightened disciples. It was not supposed to be like this. They had just seen their leader and master perform a major miracle by feeding thousands of people with a little boy's lunch. He had just a few hours earlier told them to board a ship and he would meet them on the other side. They did not ask any questions, they just followed the directions of their leader. Now to make matters worse, in the midst of the darkness, blustering wind and bruising waves, they spot what they perceive to be a ghost. As it gets closer, it is finally revealed to not be a ghost, but their leader, Jesus. As they are huddled on the boat, still in fear, Peter decides that he would try and see for sure if it was Jesus. He calls out "Jesus, if it is you, tell me to come where you are." Jesus says "Come". With that command, Peter steps out of the boat and heads to Jesus. After some time, Peter gets distracted by the wind and waves and begins to falter. Before he falls beneath the waves, Jesus grabs him and takes him safely to the boat. As I reflect on this well known biblical story, one thing really jumps out at me. When Peter inquiries of the Lord if it was truly him, to let him walk on the water to him. This would seem like a perfect opportunity for Jesus to calm the waters and cease the wind to allow Peter to come to him. However, Jesus does not stop the storm, and bids Peter to come. I wonder what would have happened if Peter would have waited for the perfect time to step out and go to Jesus. This story teaches us that there will never be a perfect time to go after Jesus. There will always be storms that are made up of wind and waves in our lives. But the good news is, it does not matter about the wind and waves when we are focused on Jesus. They can not deny us, only distract us. When you are committed and determined to get to Jesus, remember, it is just wind and waves......PG

Monday, July 30, 2012


I just completed a preaching series at Tabernacle Baptist Church on the Book of Acts that lasted 19 months and over 50 sermons. I was so enriched by the study and the opportunity to teach this great book of the bible. I believe our church was helped as well. I do believe that God was sovereignly setting us up. The reason I say this, is that throughout or study of how the early church formed and matured, I began to notice the principles and key elements that transformed a scared group of disciples into a movement that has changed the world. It is amazing what can be achieved by simply having faith and a testimony. The final verse of the book of Acts says that "Paul could not be stopped". Even though he was chained, he still kept preaching and proclaiming the Good News of Jesus. In other words, he was UNSTOPPABLE. I believe that this is true for every believer and church that stands firmly and consistently upon its Message, Mission and Master. I am so excited for the future of our church, as I believe God has reignited that fire for Him inside of us all. Its About To BE ON!!!!!!!!!!!! PG

Friday, June 22, 2012

My Testimony

I wanted to share. May this bless, encourage and strengthen you. Soli Deo Gloria!!! PG

Friday, June 15, 2012

Put God In It

     In Joshua chapter 3, the children of Israel were about to enter the promise land of Canaan. They had waited nearly 40 years for this day. however, there was just one problem, they had to cross the Jordan River. To make matters worse, this was the harvest flood season and the depth and width of the Jordan was at its maximum. This would seem like a bad time to try and cross the Jordan. However, God prepares Joshua and the people by letting them understand that there going through was not just predicated on them, but it was on God. The main stipulation that God told them how they would cross the Jordan, was that they would have to have the Ark of the Covenant be carried in the Jordan. In other words, if they were to cross, the presence of God was to be put in the middle of the Jordan. God let them know that there ability to go through the Jordan was based upon  their willingness to put God in the very thing they were trying to get through. The question I want to ask someone today is, what is it that you need to put God in, in order to get through it? God Bless. PG

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Simple, but not Easy

I was talking with a member of my church the other day and the conversation began to be focused on how hard it is for people to get "unstuck" in life. The reason they have been stuck is because they have been paralyzed by there past. She remarked that the process to MOVE FORWARD is "Simple but not Easy". We know what we need to do to move on and along, because that is simple. The problem is that it wont be an easy journey. It is like running in a race. Many times we look at the runners in a race, but we fail to remember how much training they have to go through to prepare for the race. The race is not easy, even though the route is simple, get to the finish line. It takes a lot to give your all and finish strong. The good news is the blessing is not in the starting but the finishing. Whatever you may be struggling with today, TRUST and DEPEND on God to guide you and lead you, but just know it will not be easy, but well worth the journey and effort. Ecclesiastes 9:11, Hebrews 3:14 and 2 Timothy 4:7

PS: I feel like this would be a great title of a book........

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

5 Years of GRACE

This week we are celebrating 5 years of Pastoral Ministry at the Tabernacle Baptist Church. I can truly say that time has flown by. It seems as only yesterday, I was accepting the call to this great church, to follow in the rather large footsteps of Pastor CT Walker, Pastor CS Hamilton and Pastor Otis Moss III. I must admit that initially it was a seemingly daunting task. I figured out very early, that the best way to approach this assignment was to bring and wear my own shoes. As I reflect over the last 5 years, I have learned the importance of Prayer, Patience and Perseverance. As I have seen God do amazing things at Tabernacle Baptist Church, I am so honored and humbled that God continues to show His Love for this body of believers through our Worship, Witness and Work. Over these past 5 years my purpose has been clarified(To Lead and Love people into a Maturing relationship with Jesus Christ) and my passion has been refined(Pastoring and Preaching). I look forward to this week sharing with my Pastor Anthony G. Maclin and brother Nathan Scovens, but most importantly, the greatest congregation in the universe, the TAB family. Will update later this week. PG  

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Passion Week 2012(LOL)

This week is an important week in the life of the Christian Church. This is the week we celebrate the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. As I reflect on the magnitude of this life-altering and history-changing event, I cannot help but to be awed in the profundity of the moment. I am so amazed that such a great God would choose to show His Love for me by giving up His only begotten Son, to pay a sin debt that I owe. This gift of Forgiveness from God is paramount to our Faith, because God did not have to forgive us. God knew we were going to(and still do) mess up time after time and repeatedly do things that dishonor our relationship with God. However, God chose to lean towards LOVE instead of CONDEMNATION, when it comes to us. It is for this simple reason alone, I feel so honored to LOVE and SERVE a God that first LOVED me. That is why I don't mind LOL(LOVING OUT LOUD) when it comes to God. What is your response. Peace, PG 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I Am Trayvon Martin

The country has been riveted the last few weeks about the tragic death of Trayvon Martin. As evidence and 911 calls have become public, the public outcry has swelled to epic proportion. How can an unarmed(unless you consider skittles and tea as weapons) young black male be considered suspicious and a threat to an armed vigilante? As I began to ponder this and to see the public outcry stream through news and social media, I am faced with the sobering reality that this type of profiling is not new and perhaps will never end. As long as our skin has been kissed by the morning sun, we will always be perceived as "suspicious". As much as people want to be believe that we live in a "post racial" society, racism still happens and is just alive today as it was years ago, just now wears different clothes. I myself, have felt the coldness of a jail cell, while being detained for "mistaken identity" while a seminary student in Atlanta, Ga. I had to endure being called a "boy" by a police officer while being pulled over because I did not match the car I was driving, so surely I was a drug dealer transporting some illegal substance, while being suited and booted on my way home from a revival. My heart grieves because this situation in Florida is more than one young male not reaching his goals or potential in life, but this is about all of us who in any instant, can succumb to the suspicious perception of others. Martin Luther King, Jr once said he dreamed that one day his children would be judged "by the content of there character instead of the color of their skin.." I guess we are still dreaming....I Am Trayvon Martin.