Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Burden of Preaching

As I sit in the Newport News Airport waiting to board my flight home(which sucks because I am missing the Lakers game tonight), I am reflecting on this week where I was ministered to at the Hampton Ministers Conference. We were challenged by the conference to continually take seriously the role of preaching. I am not sure of many things, but one of the few certainties that i am sure of is my purpose here on earth. God built and fashioned me to preach the Gospel. There is nothing on earth that gives me greater joy than to preach. I feel like every moment is a build up to the time of proclamation. Preaching to me is like breathing. I am challenged to find ways to improve the preaching gift that God has endowed with me. I tell people all the time that the best way to work on preaching must begin with an intimate relationship with God and His Word. I try to spend as much time with God as I possibly can. Sometimes, other things have to suffer, in order for me to get the required time of devotion that is needed to be a faithful proclaimer. That is time, relationships, appointments and etc. It is not easy, but very necessary. I shamedly admit I am not good at balancing, but it is what it is. As I prepare to close this blog, I am going to spend some time in the airport terminal reading my favorite book, the Bible. Sunday is coming.........


Anonymous said...

I really admire your committment to your craft. Perhaps this is why you are single. You would definitely have to find balance should you decide to change that fact.

Anonymous said...

First things first, we your sheep, well, at least me, want nothing more than to be fed by someone totally sold out for God & committed to preaching the Word of God, at all cost. The role of preaching is quite serious because we look to you for that confirming Word from God, and you are responsible for the delivery. (Hefty Load) What we do with it, that's on us, but... U're doing a great job... I feel like I'm growing so fast in ways that surprise even me. We, also, are challenged to go higher and become better servants and through your/our continued intimacy with God and suffering in other areas, you/we, inevitably will improve, grow, and be strengthened in more areas of your/ our life. ( Esp. in relations to edifying the kingdom)Like you said, it's not easy, I'm learning that myself more and more everyday. But, it is very necessary. It is more crucial than n e thing else to be focused on nothing but our personal relationship with God and our continued journey in becoming more intimate with him, that He may continuously reveal himself to us... (Yeah it's easier said than done but Greater is He!!)We all get distracted... And truth be told, balancing is a job of it's own, we're human, and not expected to be perfect. Don't be ashamed, at least U know. First step is admitting it. (LOL)(Not that we aren't striving to be)... So let those things suffer with no apologies, and no regrets... Becoming equipped to fulfill my purpose is in your hands, and I would hate to be misinformed or mislead because you weren't focused or disobedient... God is in control and All is Well... Just wanna throw in Titus 1:7-9 (Esp.9)

"For a bishop must be blameless, as a steward of God, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not given to wine, not violent, nor greedy for money, but hospitable, a lover of what is good, sober-minded, just holy, self-controlled, 9. holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine, both to exhort and convict those who contradict."
So U do U!!! And thank U, I am comforted knowing that U spend your time wisely. Sunday is coming...yes.. and I have some wonderful blank pages ready for God's Word through U. Preciate it Doc!! U R such a blessing!! P.S. in writing this I see kinda why I was led to Deut. 5:23-27 yesterday in my study and Exodus 20:18-21. I don't know if it will connect to you but I would like to discuss that one day. N E way. "be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry." 2 Tim. 4:5. Be blessed Pastor. My bad, U know I talk a lot, well... write a lot. LOL! Just can't help it.

Anonymous said...

I admire your commitment to follow the path that God has laid for you. It seems that from the beginning that you knew where God wanted you to go and you went. I can remember the first time I met you, I knew that it was something special about you. To know that you are allowing God to use you to reach and teach others must be an indescribable feeling of fulfilling your purpose. You are an inspiration to us all who are struggling to find that personal relationship with God. All I can say is keep doing what you do!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS to you and your Lakers! Hope you were able to see the game.

Tnikco said...

I really agree with the first comment. I was wondering if your stuggle with balance is due to your admitted workaholic tendancies. Suffering relationships are not sacrifices if u don't miss them. However, I admire your dedication and your purpose-filled life is the goal of many Christians. Do you feel God wants you to improve your balance. I feel that after you acknowledge it, you should make an effort to improve it. "It is what it is" seems like a stationary statment. God can bless you to improve balance in a way that supports the ministry. Having experience with the workaholic type, it's all about priorities. Thanks for being a workaholic 4 Jesus. It would be nice to see you at Young Adult events because you are one of us and you set such a fine example! We do love u and miss u.

Anonymous said...

all I am thinking is... I bet he so wishes he never posted this.... lololol....

Pastor G said...

I make no excuses, nor am I ashamed of the choice I( made to totally be sold out for the cause for which I was created. I think that we all have to live with the pros and cons of every decision. Does it get demanding, YES. Does it get burdensome, YES. But I love every moment that I walk in my purpose. When you understand who you are in Christ, others perseption of what you should do pales in comparison to whom thouights matter the most, God.

Anonymous said...

And that settles it!!!. I totally agree 100%. It's all about understanding who U R in Christ and being willing to do all those things that are pleasing to him, in spite of "judgments" and "persectuions". Like in Sunday School and pieces of my yahoo daily bible verse said,"Suffereing IS part of the marathon" But in the end, we will receive the prize. N E way, just wanted to thank U again for holding your ground, being sold out and allowing God to defend you. Oh... the "ashamed" in the 2nd post was in reference to lack of balance def. not to walking in your purpose. Wanted to clear that up. So continue being, enduring, and fulfilling and remember 2 Corin. 10:1b-6, (Esp. 5) Lata. Be Blessed, Never Stressed, and Don't Settle for Less!!

Anonymous said...

If the lack of developed relationships doesn't matter than why mention it? Can't God make a way out of no way? Or do you feel your present situation is how God wants it for you? I just wanted to clarify that these comments are not at all judging you or saying what you should do. I can appreciate you honesty. From your response, I am just confused on the point of your first post.

Tnikco said...

As a Christian, I have experienced quiet times where God wais developing me one on one. I can not begin to imagine the great responsibility and challenge you have in pastoring God's children. I personally appreciate that my pastor enjoys spending quality time with God. I know that as I matured in God, I stopped missing unproductive and one sided relationships (and relationships that were a waste of my time). I desire to be equally yoked even in friendships. Or to learn from spiritual mentors. Pastor, I believe that God can lead you to productive Christian relationships that can help you on your journey. And for those He desires to be part of your life, He will help you find that balance. It's like you said in the relationship series, as a single you have more time to fufill your purpose in Him. You have inspired me to appreciate my singleness much more because I'm able to get closer to God and my purpose. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Pastor G, I apologize if I came across as judging in my first comment. I really do admire you. Most people spend their whole lives trying to find their purpose or reason and you have yours. And you ain't even 30 yet!!!!!
You are an inspiration to those in your church and to me who has to follow you on streamingfaith. My search for purpose continues. I wish I could be mentored by you and feel a connection that I almost liken to Elisha's connection to Eljiah. I am simply a long distance admirer who believes you could teach me alot.