I read an incredible quote the other day. It stated "Ministry is when an INVISIBLE God places an IMPOSSIBLE call for an INCOMPREHENSIBLE work through the lives of INADEQUATE people". I was blown away by the accuracy of this statement. We are all called to ministry. Ministry is not about a title or a position, rather it is a call to fulfill a divine purpose. All of us have a divine assignment on our lives and I know at times it is heavy and daunting. I have had my share of dark and challenging moments, which I even questioned my purpose. It was in these moments, I was reassured why I had these moments of what seemed like unbearable burdens. God was cementing the kingdom reality that he was using those moments as a teaching moment. The lesson God was getting across to me was this calling felt overwhelming because it was intentionally intended to be bigger than me. I was learning that in those moments how to lean and depend solely on God. God never called me because of my ability, but He called me because of availability. He called me with all of my imperfections and inadequencies, not because He could trust me to be perfect, but because He could trust me to be faithful. You do know, as my good friend Pastor Pointer, that we are not "Perfect but Purposed". I pray that each and everyone of you is overwhelmingly burdened with an incredible blessing that drives you to your knees everyday. Thank You Jesus!! PG