I have recently been meditating on the meaning of Joy. Joy is defined as an emotion evoked by well-being or success. That is a worldly definition that does not line up with the biblical view. The bible speaks of Joy as an innate assurance that remains constant regardless of circumstances. Joy is not predicated on material success or tangible attainment. Joy is simply knowing that what you depend on and trust in is not a "What" rather a "Who". That is why we can declare with the psalmist that "weeping may endure for a night, but Joy comes in the morning". That is also why we can echo the sentiment of the writer James, when he says "count it all Joy, when you fall into all kinds of temptation". Perhaps it is best summed up in the song that seasoned saints at the church I grew up in, would melodiously declare, "this Joy I have, the world did not give it, and world can not take it away". I can unequivocably declare I have Joy because I am rooted and strengthened in Jesus. What is your Joy?