Friday, January 10, 2014

Do We Know How To Communicate?

I hope and pray that you are having an amazing beginning to a New Year. As you can see, I am really trying to be consistent to blogging this year. Pray that this will last. I wanted to discuss something that I thought was very interesting. I was reading a recent Readers Digest where an article caught my attention. The article was entitled "The Science of Awkward Moments". It is centered around the thought that the key to handling interactions with grace is anticipating the other person's point of view. One part of the article dealt with How to Frame CRITICISM. This segment starts with the basic premise that no one likes to be told that they have done something wrong. Even "constructive criticism" is met with defensiveness. Psychologist Susan Heitler recommends the best way to offer feedback is to "skip complaining and go straight to the explaining." Choose encouraging statements over stern commands. How we talk to each other is a clear sign of our maturity. Children explode and rant when things do not go their way or things happen they do not like or approve of. I have seen and experienced the harmful effects of mismanaging our tongues in regards to how we relate and communicate to others. Criticism makes or breaks all kinds of relationships. In any relationship, its crucial to criticize without demeaning or humiliating the other person. Grandma would say "you can kill more flies with honey than vinegar." I hope that this year we all practice better ways to communicate with each other. Remember, scripture says "The Power of Life and Death are in the TONGUE...." PG

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Happy New Year 2014

Happy New Year!!!! I am excited as we have turned the page again on another year. Last year was truly the year of "Taking The Limits Off"!!.This is the year we are declaring at Tabernacle Baptist Church the "Year of EMPOWERING DISCIPLES". It is my prayer as a church that we will focus on three main areas: Discipleship, Hospitality, and Volunteerism. In other words, I want us to "Learn, Love and Live like Jesus". I am excited and energized as we embark upon this new level of being a Church that makes an I.M.P.A.C.T. Lets do it REAL BIG for Jesus this year. Let's give God MORE in 2014.

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Blessed Burden

  I read an incredible quote the other day. It stated "Ministry is when an INVISIBLE God places an IMPOSSIBLE call for an INCOMPREHENSIBLE work through the lives of INADEQUATE people". I was blown away by the accuracy of this statement. We are all called to ministry. Ministry is not about a title or a position, rather it is a call to fulfill a divine purpose. All of us have a divine assignment on our lives and I know at times it is heavy and daunting. I have had my share of dark and challenging moments, which I even questioned my purpose. It was in these moments, I was reassured why I had these moments of what seemed like unbearable burdens. God was cementing the kingdom reality that he was using those moments as a teaching moment. The lesson God was getting across to me was this calling felt overwhelming because it was intentionally intended to be bigger than me. I was learning that in those moments how to lean and depend solely on God. God never called me because of my ability, but He called me because of availability. He called me with all of my imperfections and inadequencies, not because He could trust me to be perfect, but because He could trust me to be faithful. You do know, as my good friend Pastor Pointer, that we are not "Perfect but Purposed". I pray that each and everyone of you is overwhelmingly burdened with an incredible blessing that drives you to your knees everyday. Thank You Jesus!! PG  

Thursday, January 10, 2013


  We have made it to see another year, only by the Grace and Mercy of God. We have so much to be grateful for. As a church family, 2012 was a banner year as we grew spiritually, numerically and financially as we "Aligned" ourselves with the Will of God. As great as 2012 was, I got a strange and peculiar feeling that God is going to completely blow our mind in 2013. If the first few weeks of this year is any indication, then God is preparing His people to experience the "Limitless" nature of God. I am excited, but more importantly, READY to go after with full spiritual vigor all that God has set aside and apart for His people. I recognize that the journey and process will not be easy, however, we operate from the posture of VICTOR instead of victim. Let us move this year knowing that God has already provided and all we have to do is "cut many trees down" and "fill many empty jars". Lets put on our armor and get on the battlefield as "No Limit Soldiers".

Soli Deo Gloria!!
Ready to experience a "Beyond Beyond" God,
Dr. Charles E. Goodman, Jr. (PG)

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Time Flies

            I can't believe it has been exactly one year since I had my neck and spine fusion surgery. I am so thankful to my doctor, Dr. Alleyne and his team. So grateful for my family, church and friends who were so supportive. It was a very stressful time for me. So much was going on a year ago. I almost did not have the surgery. There was a real chance that i would lose my voice. The severity of my condition was going to cause the doctor to replace 3 discs in my spine with 3 artificial discs. The surgeon would have to go through the front of my neck and dangerously close to my voice box. I am thankful for the precision of the doctor and the grace of God. It was tough having to be home bound for a few weeks and not driving for a month. I was able to get back to preaching(with a neck brace on) after a few weeks. I can truly say that I have gotten better this year. I am now on a strict exercise regimen that is making me stronger every single day. I still have my challenges, as my body is constantly adjusting, however it was a great decision to have it dealt with. Grateful to God for His healing and power. PG

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Say It

           I just wanted to drop a few nuggets on a subject that I am passionate about: PREACHING. I absolutely love to proclaim the Word of God. I will admit, I am at a weird place in my own modality of preaching, as I am refining and finding my own peculiar voice. It is scary and exciting at the same time. I have been officially licensed to preach for a little over 10 years but I have been bootlegging(preacher talk) since I was 8 years old. I was talking with some preachers the other day about the state of preaching now. It seems as if it has eroded and the art of preaching has been watered down to appease the palette of the world. It seems as if more people are more interested in giving "How to" lessons than actually preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Don't get me wrong, I am all for people getting their life together, however, there is no substitute for the unadulterated gospel, which reminds us that we cant do it on our own but through the power of God. I warn preachers and pews alike, do not get caught up on STYLE, a preacher should be judged based on their SUBSTANCE. Preaching, as it was once eloquently put, should be truth through personality. That means that there will always be different styles, but it should be founded and bathed in TRUTH and POWER. I am grateful that God chose me to carry His Word. No greater honor for me than to have this awesome burden than to share with others what has meant so much to me. I tell every preacher, no matter what you got to go through, "SAY IT!!!!" PG

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's Just Wind and Waves

         It was the fourth watch of the night. The storm was raging and causing the boat to vacillate back and forth. It was almost impossible to see as the heaviness of the night and the ferocity of the storm was taking its toll on the frightened disciples. It was not supposed to be like this. They had just seen their leader and master perform a major miracle by feeding thousands of people with a little boy's lunch. He had just a few hours earlier told them to board a ship and he would meet them on the other side. They did not ask any questions, they just followed the directions of their leader. Now to make matters worse, in the midst of the darkness, blustering wind and bruising waves, they spot what they perceive to be a ghost. As it gets closer, it is finally revealed to not be a ghost, but their leader, Jesus. As they are huddled on the boat, still in fear, Peter decides that he would try and see for sure if it was Jesus. He calls out "Jesus, if it is you, tell me to come where you are." Jesus says "Come". With that command, Peter steps out of the boat and heads to Jesus. After some time, Peter gets distracted by the wind and waves and begins to falter. Before he falls beneath the waves, Jesus grabs him and takes him safely to the boat. As I reflect on this well known biblical story, one thing really jumps out at me. When Peter inquiries of the Lord if it was truly him, to let him walk on the water to him. This would seem like a perfect opportunity for Jesus to calm the waters and cease the wind to allow Peter to come to him. However, Jesus does not stop the storm, and bids Peter to come. I wonder what would have happened if Peter would have waited for the perfect time to step out and go to Jesus. This story teaches us that there will never be a perfect time to go after Jesus. There will always be storms that are made up of wind and waves in our lives. But the good news is, it does not matter about the wind and waves when we are focused on Jesus. They can not deny us, only distract us. When you are committed and determined to get to Jesus, remember, it is just wind and waves......PG